12th June 2016

Read a report of the MGLive! event by John and Cynthia Harris

22nd May 2016

There is more information about the Black Country Living Museum & Cotswolds weekend (2/3 July) on the events page, including prices for Wroxall Abbey Hotel. Note that the the NTG Concours trophy will be judged at the BCLM on Saturday 2 July, and theĀ Register AGM will be held at Wroxall on Sunday - all are welcome to this whether or not participating in the rest of the weekend.

3rd April 2016

Read a report on the recent Magnettes & Steam event at Peak Rail, Derbyshire

13th March 2016

There are several new articles in the Tech Tips section

13th March 2016

UK Magnette enthusiasts don't have long now to wait till the first Register event of the season, Magnettes & Steam, at Peak Rail Derbyshire. More information is on the Events page, and we also hope to have a tour of the engine workshop during our visit (to be confirmed). It may be possible to organize a Friday or Saturday evening meal if there's sufficient interest.

15th February 2016

The Magnetteer of the Year award (for achievement in 2015) has been awarded by the Register committee to the Z Magnette Group of North America. It was presented to ZMG supporters Steve & Di Kirby and Wayne & Dee Johnson at Wroxall Abbey, following a special lunch with committee members. Photos and full story here

8th February 2016

Here is a big update on our gallerie. It's amazing that still MAGNETTEs turn up!