17th November 2015
Here's a new wedding pic...
and a totally different picture from Jose de Sousa on his Dragon Tour at the highest pass on the rally, at 3988 m!
28th October 2015
After a long period I finally found some time to update our gallery.Unbelievable, that still "new" MAGNETTEs turn up...
13th October 2015
While the leaves are falling here in Europe our Magnette friends in Down Under start with a new season. Here's a report of the "Gathering of the faithfu" at Wagga Wagga 2015.
And here's a picture of Vincent Dransart and his Magnette at the finish in Shanghai after 14265 km! Congratulations!
12th October 2015
Read a report on the Lou Shorten Tribute weekend in Norwich, by Grant Howlett and John and Cynthia Harris
11th October 2015
New Magnette Register President
Although we’ll never be able to replace Lou Shorten and her unique style, we’re delighted that Celia Palmer has agreed to step into the gap as Register President.
Celia has already met many members, as her first guest appearance was at GP100, our 2011 event to celebrate the centenary of her father, Magnette designer Gerald Palmer (she still lives in the family home in Oxford that Gerald built). Since 2011 she’s joined us at several other events, where she’s always fascinating to talk to and interested in our cars.
Celia has already had some practice presenting trophies (including at Magnette60) and apart from that her duties as President will be fairly light, but it’s a privilege to have her formally associated with the Register.
7th October 2015
David Halliday has provided a report and photos of the Kop Hill Climb event, where Magnettes were taking part both in the classics display and in the climb itself. You can also see a short video of the view from Anthony White's ZA as it went up the hill (taken by Stephen Tickell as passenger - Anthony is putting together a more complete version from his on-car cameras)
4th September 2015
I received the information that again a MAGNETTE is on it's way to Beijing. This time it's the Frenchman Vincent Dransart, who takes his ZB from Hamburg/Germany to Beijing/China.
He has a blog (in french) and reports regulary: vincentetpierre.blogspot.com.
We wish him and his MAGNETTE good luck and a troublefree journey!