9th October 2014
More pictures by Barrie Hope added to the Norwich event.
8th October 2014
Last weekend the last event for the '14 season took place at Norwich. Here are first pictures...
Now it's up to Magnetteers on the southern hemisphere to keep us updated!
21st September 2014
WARNING: Again I heard about cracked wheels on a MAGNETTE. I've heard and seen it several times now, so I copy a text from our tech-website here (written by Malcolm Eades) and hope you check your wheels. Let me know if you find cracks, to see if it's a common fault just 60 years later.
This summer I have done a lot of mileage and seen a lot of Magnettes. On my travels I have found two examples of metal-fatigued wheels, both of which might have been subject to catastrophic failure at high speed. What really caught my attention was that one of them was on my car!
Magnette and MGA wheels are known to be prone to cracking if used "enthusiastically". Some may even fail in normal use simply because of the age of the metal. Just think about the lateral stresses that they undergo when cornering.
Check your wheels now. Take off the embellishers and look for hairline cracks in the area between the wheelnuts. If a linear stain won't wipe off, the chances are it's a crack with dirt in it. If you find cracking, the wheel should be condemned immediately.
16th September 2014
Stephen Tickell was a volunteer taxi driver with his Magnette at the recent Goodwood Revival, a re-enactment of 1950s/60s motor racing in which most of the visitors as well as those taking part dress in keeping with the period. Read his report here
11th September 2014
It seems Mexico is our most actice country in MAGNETTE matters. Here's another report fromLuis Benito, Mexico.
31st August 2014
There are more details of our Norfolk weekend on the events page. As well as the usual open-day at the Shorten's there's a Saturday-evening meal, and a visit to Pensthorpe gardens where we will be joining a vintage fair. Please let Peter Martin know if you're planning to go.
21st August 2014
This year's Register AGM took place on 17 August during our visit to the Octagon Club event at Middleton Hall. It was an enjoyable and relaxed day (even with the usual excitement of the AGM) and Peter Martin has provided a report