16th September 2014

Stephen Tickell was a volunteer taxi driver with his Magnette at the recent Goodwood Revival, a re-enactment of 1950s/60s motor racing in which most of the visitors as well as those taking part dress in keeping with the period. Read his report here


11th September 2014

It seems Mexico is our most actice country in MAGNETTE matters. Here's another report fromLuis Benito, Mexico.

31st August 2014

There are more details of our Norfolk weekend on the events page. As well as the usual open-day at the Shorten's there's a Saturday-evening meal, and a visit to Pensthorpe gardens where we will be joining a vintage fair. Please let Peter Martin know if you're planning to go.

21st August 2014

This year's Register AGM took place on 17 August during our visit to the Octagon Club event at Middleton Hall. It was an enjoyable and relaxed day (even with the usual excitement of the AGM) and Peter Martin has provided a report

8th August 2014

As you can see from the picture we still get new blood for our MAGNETTEs. Thanks Olaf from Belgium for sharing this with us. Olaf and his car is also onew of the new MAGNETTEs on the gallery, amoung them an automatic MAGNETE!

And there's a new picture on our wedding cars gallery... as well.



29th July 2014

Kop Hill Climb – Saturday the 20th and Sunday the 21st of September.

The Magnette Register had a great outing over the last 2 years at the Kop Hill Climb in the Chilterns.  In 2012 we went for the Saturday only then last year we went for both the Saturday and Sunday.  Several Magnettes ran the hill and many more were part of the clubs and classics display. 

It is a fantastic event for anyone with an interest in classic cars.  It is a recreation of a motorsport event that ran until 1925 on Kop Hill.  If you are not that interested in motor sport don’t be put off, it is such a friendly and in many ways low key event with some truly fabulous cars attending and if you are into classic motor sport then you can soak up the atmosphere and watch the runs, if you are not, you can admire huge display of some wonderful cars.

The cars running the hill have to be pre 1974 and the cars in the clubs and classics display must be pre 1982.  There are a few modern exotics allowed as well.  These are things like Königsegg and few special Ferraris and Lamborghinis.  We are trying to get an MG SV in but they are very strict about it being a classic event.

In 2014 we, the Magnette Register, are again attending the Kop Hill Climb on both Saturday the 20th and Sunday the 21st of September.  We would love to fill a good sized pitch and show some of those other car clubs, especially the Triumphs (!) how strong we are.  So far it has always been the TR Register that has the biggest turn out.  Wouldn’t it be good to show them how strong the Magnette Register is?

The Midget Register and the Wycombe Area MG Owners Club will also be taking part, so there will be a lot of MG’s to look at and owners to compare notes and stories with if you prefer. 

There are a lot of traders there to visit and a fabulous food court.  There is even a Kop Hill Ale brewed by Chiltern Brewery.  Od course, we need to be aware of drinking and driving, so responsible consumption is the order of the day.

To come along you must register at the Kop Hill website – www.kophillclimb.org.uk

When on the website, if you are a new entrant, please follow this steps,

1.     Click on the “New Entrant” button on the LHS

2.     Then choose “Paddock Display”

3.     Next, click on the “Book Now” button on the bottom RHS

4.     Accept the regulations

5.     You will now be on the Registration page.  Please complete you details here and it is very important on the bottom LHS to go the box labeled “Parking Location”.  The default here is individual, however, if you click on it a menu drops down, this then allows you to click on “MG Car Club Magnette Register”.  This will book you in with us.

When you put in your details, be sure to check the club box and say that you are part of the Magnette Register.  There is an entry fee as this is an event that raises money for some very worthwhile charities.  The entry fee is £20 for 1 day or £30 for both days and this allows the driver and one passenger into the event with a complimentary program.

Please come along and join us at this wonderful event.

For more information please visit www.kophillclimb.org.uk or email David Halliday at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

25th July 2014

Trevor Jones has written a report on the recent Somerset weekend, 12-13 July, at which the Register's 40th Anniversary was celebrated.