1st June 2013

Magnette60 regalia will soon be available. There's a new Regalia page with details of mugs, polo shirts and grille badges, although we don't yet have online ordering. The grille badges are expected to be in demand, so it's advisable to reserve yours before the event (some people in US and Australia have already ordered them, and distribution there will be handled locally).

23rd May 2013

This picture shows Thomas Nebauer ('55 ZA) and Jörg Wiefler ('58 ZBV) from Austria at a stop in Winchelsea East Sussex, during their holiday last year.


  • nebauer

Rutger Booy sent me this link showing an Australian car converting to a 2-dorr-saloon: http://www.mgexp.com/phorum/read.php?27,2202512,page=1

10th May 2013

Johann van der Wath's ZB # 21199 in South Africa is new on the gallery.  Also added is # 22087, which now belongs to Dominic taylor-Lane. This is the ex-Peter Tothill-car with Derrington crossflow head and more specifications.
Just type in "21199" and "22087"  in the search field of the Gallery.

9th May 2013

A new Monthly Picture  has been added! If you have a nice picture, please sent it to me.


8th May 2013

Cliff Hughes sent another picture for the wedding  Gallery. Please filter for wedding cars and click on "Date" to sort the newest on top.

7th May 2013

Loz Scott has sent a report and pictures of the Victoria Concours 2013.

I also updated the Books-page witgh a French book, that has 12 pages of Alain Bothorels lovely ZA. Nice pictures on the place de la Concorde!


30th April 2013

With spring comming slowly here in Europe, more and more Magnetteers remind Magnette60, our main event in August this year. Bookings coming from as far as Mexico(!), the states and all over Europe. It looks as it will be a nice international gathering not to miss! If you haven't booked yet, please do ASAP. If you will spent some more time around the event in the area, Stephen Tickell put together some Other attractions.