30th April 2013

With spring comming slowly here in Europe, more and more Magnetteers remind Magnette60, our main event in August this year. Bookings coming from as far as Mexico(!), the states and all over Europe. It looks as it will be a nice international gathering not to miss! If you haven't booked yet, please do ASAP. If you will spent some more time around the event in the area, Stephen Tickell put together some Other attractions.

27th April 2013

I've added some more Sales Brochures ZA.

11th April 2013

I received a message form the organisers of MAGNETTE60 that rooms at Wroxall Abbey are now nearly full. So  overseas members who are coming should book now asap.

6th April 2013

Hope you enjoyed the new section of sales brochures. The Sales Brochures ZB are available now as well. But why do we say "ZB"? This never appears on any brochure...

I have also added several books to the Books-page.

1st April 2013

A new Monthly Picture has been added.

Also new on the gallery is Justin Mould's MAGNETTE #10541.

31st March 2013

As the weather still is not want we want for our MAGNETTEs I thought I give you a small Easter present: I finished (or better started) the new section "Sales Brochures ZA" as part of the MAGNETTE's history. I hope you like and enjoy it. If you have more brochures that are not listed yet, or where I don't have scans, please help and send scans!
The ZB brochures will follow soon.
Also there are some more pictures on Peter Duell's restoration homepage.

27th March 2013

In view of the atrocious weather at present and after consultations with local inhabitants regarding travelling conditions near the Churnet Valley Railway it has been decided to CANCEL the event on Saturday March 30th. Please keep watching this space as we shall endeavour to run it again later in the year.   Thought for today, Easter is early this year but next year it is late in April (the weather might be better). Here’s to salt free Magnetteering later this spring.
John Harris, Secretary MGCC Magnette Register