16th June 2017

Trevor's wife Rosie has asked for the following information to be passed on to all those who knew Trevor. The funeral will be a private family event, but they would like to have a gathering on Weds 5th July (afternoon, time to be confirmed), at the Apple Tree Inn, West Pennard, Glastonbury, BA6 8ND. This will be an opportunity for everyone to remember Trevor, and it's hoped that those with classic cars - particularly Magnettes - will bring them along. To assist with planning it would be helpful to know in advance if you're coming. Please contact Peter Martin 01580-763056

15th June 2017

Many Magnette enthusiasts will by now have heard the sad and totally unexpected news that Trevor Jones died on 9th June after a heart attack. Everyone on the Register committee is shocked to have lost a dear friend so suddenly, and our thoughts are with Trevor's family. He will be missed by many in the UK and overseas who benefited from his expertise, even if they didn't meet him in person.

His committee title of ‘Technical rep’ doesn’t do justice to his enthusiasm, dedication and unfailing generosity with time and advice given online, by phone and in person, based on his long experience of MGs and other classics. If you encountered a problem with a restoration, getting something to fit or to work properly, Trevor could always offer suggestions, or help to source difficult parts. He was a mechanical genius, using his professional engineering skills to develop improvements for the Magnette (such as the anti-roll bar and tubular manifold) and putting significant personal efforts into making them widely available. But much more than that he was a ‘great bloke’, as David Halliday describes him, who got on well with everyone and would always have a story or opinion to share over a drink.

There's already a thread on the MG Experience Magnette forum, to which you can add your own comments and tributes. 

21st May 2017

Please note updated events information for MGs in the Park (4th June) and the Wiltshire weekend (15/16th July). Also there's a report on the Magnettes & Steam event in April

17th April 2017

Register members will be saddened to hear of the passing of David Johnson after a battle with cancer. David was active in Magnette circles for many years, and served on the Register committee in several roles, including as Chairman from 2004-2006. He was instrumental in developing the disc-brake conversion from early prototypes into a form which could be easily adopted by other owners.

Exact details of the funeral are not yet known, but it is likely to take place in Devon on 25th April. Our condolences to David's partner Jean and other family.

16th April 2017

There's more information available about the 21st European Magnette event in Seenland, Austria (23-25 June), which offers beautiful countryside and lakes for scenic drives, and great food and company. If you're planning to go please book by 30th April

13th April 2017

We've still had some technical problems in the last couple of months which made it difficult to update this website. But moving to a different server has hopefully fixed the problems, and several updates have now been added, including new entries on the gallery. You can also find a pdf of the handy pocket-size Register calendar in case you want to print it yourself, but copies will be available to pick up at all the Register events. The first date is Magnettes & Steam on 15th April, and in case you haven't been to this annual event before, there's a video of M & S 2012 produced by John & Cynthia Harris

11th February 2017

Register committee member Paul Batho made a brief appearance recently on the BBC antiques series ‘Put your money where your mouth is’, as an expert advisor on Magnette grilles. Competitor Christina Trevanion had bought a grille at an antiques fair and hoped to make money selling it on. After meeting Paul at Kimber House, admiring his ZA and hearing some of the history, she eventually sold her grille for a modest £25 profit to an ‘upcycling’ specialist who planned to remove the grille slats and convert it into a wall mirror ! Those in the UK can watch the programme online until 8th March